Monday, March 15, 2010


If you were trapped in your worst nightmeres, your biggest fears, what would you do?

Would you try to escape them to freedom and to the light, or would you give up and die within your own made up stories.

We all have fears and we all have nightmeres, some feel more real than others, and some keep you questioning. The thing is when you do have those fears, mostly hidden within you, do you actually try to conquer them, try to escape them or do you give up and die within them, stories that you have made up.

Your own fears are all fears that you have made up because usually something in your past has made them fears to you. Things that you are scared of.

You need to let them go, the fears that we hold inside are the things that are holding us back from living life, from moving on.

So try to escape to freedom and light, dont hold back, give up and die within your own made up stories and fears that keep you from moving on in life.

Look for the light when everything around you feels dark.