Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dear Friend,

Your always here for me, someone i can talk to easily.
About anything, and i know that i can trust you, and i know that i can take your advice on anything.
I can tell you anything, and i mean anything and i trust that you wont let it get out to anyone.

I know we have both been through hard times in our lives, where its hard to understand alot of things,
sometimes its even hard to understand who we are ourselves.
or for me at least.

But i know that i can count on you to always be here for me.
By talking to each other about things that we are going through ourselves. Really lets me realize alot of things about life, just by knowing really your life story and the things you have been through, and the things you are going through right now.

It lets me know that even in the midst of hard times...
no matter what is going on in our lives we have each other to always bring hope into a dark place that we might be in. Theres always going to be those times... where the light feels so far away...

But having a Best friend like you, lets the light seem more possible.
rather than impossible.

You have helped me through a lot of things in life,
thank you.