Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Its been a week tomorrow since my mom has been in a coma fighting for her life. A week today since I was with her last, and we talked to each other. Its hard to see her in the state she is in. She's a strong women and smiles a lot, especially when she's around her family and friends. She's a good decision maker, and its hard to see her laying in the ICU hospital bed, not able to smile, talk, or make any decisions. There are so many people praying for her miracle which has already started to unfold. God turns everything bad into good. There is something beautiful that will come out of this. Mom wants to write a book, and this whole experience is just God Helping her write a couple chapters in that book. A friend said God told them that it would be chapter 7. I can't wait for my dear mom to wake up and smile again, to see those eyes and feel her soft hands squeeze mine. To show her the Facebook group of people praying for her. She is so loved and beautiful. I can't wait to hear about all the dreams she's had this past week and tell her how much we have missed her and love her. God already knows the outcome of this. And Iam so thankful that my mom has been an incredible blessing to us, that because of her we have a relationship with God. I couldn't imagine going through all of this without God. And she continues to do that even while she is laying in that bed. A girl I went to highschool with requested to be on the prayer group and she wrote "i don't believe in a higher power, or anything like that but today I prayed for the first time. When I had no one to turn to, I prayed to God, and I will continue to pray for your mom and your family." Mom because of this whole experience Gods already created something becautofuk from it. That girl talked to Jesus for the first time and met him!
When we walked into the Chatham hospital they asked if this was all her family. Is this it? Being me, danielle, shane, mike, jordan and grandma. Yes we replied saying we have a very small family. Through this, I've quickly realized how huge our family is. We have people praying all over the world, different states. We are so blessed with the family we have the community of positive, prayer warriors that we are apart of! We can't always see how God is working in the moment, but at some point in our life, we will know why all of this happened. We just have to hold tight to our faith, and know that our God is an awesome God, and he works everything out for our good. He knows ggd desires of our hearts, he hears our prayers. He knit my mom in her moms womb perfectly, he designed every muscle, every tissue, and every breath. Every function of the body our Gods hands created. There's nothing he can't do. He can take our mom and touch every organ, every muscle, every tissue, he can breathe life back into her lungs. He can make everything function the wag it was designed to function, and he is doing that now. It took him 9 months before, so we need to be patient and rest in his presence and know that he is good. Nothing is meaningless. Everything has purpose and Gods plan always prevails. So I rebuke you Satan in the name of Jesus Christ, you can go go hell where you belong.