Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Maybe, Just Maybe whats already happend can slip behind you'

You know you cant erase the things you may have said, or take back the actions you have made, but maybe just maybe theres still hope, and beyond that, theres forgivness. Or maybe theres that one chance youve been waiting for to escape, to leave what has already happend behind. Not that it never existed, because it did, just to put a blind eye out infront, so its just a vague blurr becoming distant to your memory. Its like when you wake up from a dream, and by the time you have woken up, its really just a blurr, a dream you cant remember. Maybe just maybe the bad part of your past could be that. Maybe someone out there believes in you, or even has the strength to say they have faith in you. To put forward the words that not only help a person but through it all give them the real existing belief that they can change.

If you think about it, there is a hope. You have hope all your life. Its the whilling to want to change that really makes things different. There is forgivness because no matter what we do, we are forgiven that moment. There is that one chance to escape, its the moment you realize your done holding onto whats already gone and left, and your moving on. Someone does believe in you. and they believe that change can be possible for you because maybe it was possible for them too. They have faith in you because maybe there just not ready to give up on you yet either because the truth is we all hate losing people. You see through everything in life, and from your past theres always going to be those things there no matter what happens.

Sometimes its hard to see past the obvious things in life, we end up looking to hard instead of looking clearly and we just see through it instead of really understanding what we are looking for. But if we really opened our eyes maybe we could see, that the past is the past, and its time to live in the present.

You see, the past is kind of like when you go outside at night and look up to the stars, you know that there, there and you can see them, but you cant touch them. You know that your past is always there, and you can sometimes see the images from the memories, but you cant be in that moment again enough to feel it. Its like the wind you cant see the wind infront of you, but you can feel it. Its the feeling that you know its there. You cant see your past infront of you, because its behind you, but your always going to feel it, because its always going to be apart of you unless you let it go.
It will always be there because its apart of your life now. The best thing you can do is let it go. Stop running from it because its just going to follow you, just move on and start over, let the past of yours make you a stronger person, dont let it hold you back from anything, because no matter what there is a hope, and forgivness. There is a chance to escape, People believe in you and have faith in you. Its all there, but sometimes your to wrapped up in what has happend that you just cant let it go and instead you start to slip away from yourself. If all you do is think about it and your living directly in the past, then you cant really call it your past can you, because your still living it.
Stop letting it take control of your life, and just let it go, and move on from whats already happend. Let whats happend slip behind you, so you can walk a new path.