"Your love makes it worth it, your love makes it worth it all,
All to you, i surrender, oh all of my dreams and all of me, i surrender;
i trust you God"
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
"And through all the questioning, you've been the hope in me..
Despite uncertainty, you've been the only contant thing..
And when im struggling, you keep on loving me the same..
This is the hope that lies in you.."
Posted by Nicole at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Not an Accident'
Quote by: Nicole Houston
Posted by Nicole at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 22, 2010
"I don't want to see you fall, but i can't be holding on, to the same mistakes we always make.."
Posted by Nicole at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
who we are,
Posted by Nicole at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
chance or a reason?
Posted by Nicole at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 4:18 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Question of the day'
Posted by Nicole at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 5:05 PM 0 comments
start over;
Posted by Nicole at 3:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 4, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
"Have I told you I ache,
have I told you I ache,
Have I told you I ache,
for you..."
Posted by Nicole at 4:34 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Narrative Essay that i wrote about my Grandpa for english. Good Copy
It was an ordinary day at my cottage in Greyvanhurst summer of 2009. I could smell the warm breeze from the wind through my window, and feel the sun as it covered me. I never thought that anything so dreadful could happen to my family and me. When something like this happens, you can't just push it aside and instantly expect to let it go. In fact, is something like this ever accepted and let go?
There were only a few seconds, if any at all, for me to react to this severe situation. The only impulse was from my heart. I could barely function right, my palms were sweaty and it felt as though my heart was exploding in fear. It was being ripped like an old pair of jeans, right out of my chest. I could no longer feel the sun shining, or smell the warm breeze; at this moment i couldn't feel anything but the painful ache in my chest.
I was watching T.V upstairs with my sister. To get downstairs you have to walk over a ramp and down a little old cement path to the main door from the outside. I heard my grandma screaming, and the worry in her voice frightened me, but prepared me from understanding that something abhorrent had become reality. At this moment my heart sank in my chest, as if i were surrounded by a pool of sinking sand. The loud beating made it even more apparent that this was it. The moment i ran into that old heavy door was the moment something was about to dramatically change. Running to the main part of my cottage, where my grandma's screaming was coming from, I didn't fully uunderstand what exactly had happened. It was'nt until my grandma directed me to my old room going at a fast pace when i could understand why she was so shaken up. Instantly i told my grandma to call 911! I could feel the turning of my stomach like a rollercoaster going upside down. It was abominable!
He was laying there, crammed between the bed and dreser. He looked as though no life was left in him, as if his soul had left and all that was grounded was his fragile body.
Lying there was my grandpa. A man who was like a father to me. Emotions were thrown around in my head, like card in a deck being shuffled. Helplessly shaking, I stood there; we had to lure him out from that limited space that he was in. My gandma and i arranged his body to be lying on his back; we quickly got pillows to rest his head on, while my sister ran to the neighbours. I was terrified, and panicking. The lady on the 911 call told me to listen or feel for a heartbeat. The only thing i could hear was my relentless breathing, and the only thing i could feel, was the sweat from my hands and my face beginning to heat up.
There was nothing, not one single sign of a heartbeat. My eyes watered, like a heavy waterfall of tears just waiting to burst. I placed my hands on his. There was nothing that i could do. I felt like a little kid trying to tie their own show for the very first time, or the first time saying the ABC's, confused and helpless to the situation. My hands were sweaty but that didn't keep me from taking them off his, I was praying to God that he would wake up, but this was reality, seeing his body lying there broke me. The Paramedics came and immediately told my grandma, sister and I to clear out so they could have room to help my grandpa.
Minutes went by, my heart was beating extremely fast, and exiguous words were said. Only the look on our faces could prove how our hearts felt. We wanted nothing more but for the Paramedics to come out and say "he's going to be alrigh", or "we got here right on time". The door opened, i could see the shadow of the paramedic as he slipped outside. The look on his face was confusing to understand, until he began to get closer. His words were, "I'm te... and right there i knew it was bad, "I'm terribly sorry, but he did not make it". The paramedic declared. I felt like a bowling pin in a bowling alley, being the first pin hit by this abstruse bowling ball aimed promptly at me. My world instantly shattered, my head was so abundant of questions that I could not answer, and my heart was exclusively broken. I couldn't believe it; something in me just wouldn't accept the fact that he was really gone. The truth is it was my world now, it was reality, and i couldn't change what had happened.
A man who was a father to me, he taught me that giving up on anything in life was not crucial and that you can push through it. He taught me how to build a barbeque piece by piece, and how to paint an awesome picture. He taught me that life is so much more than the things that bring us down. That when we come across dark places in our lives, it is possible to find the light, and get out. Also, the storms in life will always come to pass. It's never too late to start over and change. As a person I have learned that this life is just a passing place until eternity.
I've accepted that he is gone. And i believe that he is in a superior place. He may not be here on earth with me, but he's always gonig to be in my heart. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and though we might not know the reason, someday it's all going to make sense. No matter how tough life may be, everything will end up being alright.
Posted by Nicole at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The light
If i could tell the world just one thing, anything.
I'd say;
Posted by Nicole at 4:45 PM 0 comments
thank you.
Posted by Nicole at 4:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 1:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 26, 2010
trying to figure it all out.
So many times, i sit here in silence, and i try to make sence of it all.
So many times i have sat here and glanced at the ceiling, wondering why no matter how hard you try to keep someone, theres always that moment when they leave.
I dont understand how people can just be here one moment and gone another,
how families can be destroyed, how children can be taken away in a matter of seconds, how all of this causes hurt in our hearts, how our hearts break in half because of something that makes no sence to us at all.
How no matter how hard we try to keep these memories close to our hearts, sooner or later they find away of fading.
We try to keep there smell around, for the sake of believing that they are still here. But eventually that smell goes away,
I have sat here so many times, i just dont understand why you had to leave, why i was there and there was nothing i could do.....
i miss you :(
Posted by Nicole at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
"disaster in a bottle.:"
We all make mistakes at some points in our lives, some are just bigger than others, some actually make a difference.
Some mistakes just come and go within a day, where we just let it go and we move on, but others stick with yeah for a while before it feels like its seperated from you.
Mistakes are mistakes.. its what writes your past, and what writes your future. Mistakes are little obsticles in life that we choose to walk through, and in the end its usually just this big big overwhelming weight of regret. That we carry around each day, some are more heavy than others.
We are told to take chances, and so we do, sometimes alot of thought is put into these steps of chance, and sometimes there is no thought at all.
So we walk around with this huge weight over our shoulder, and we forget how we even got to this place.
Could just numerous little drops of mistakes, regret, fear, questions, popularity, insecurity, failure, depression, lonelyness, ambitiousness, and curiosity actually fit into one bottle?
Could that bottle actually change the rest of the steps that you take in life? Could it change everything?
Too many times when we make a mistake, we tend to forget who we are, so we give up, we lose that ability to hold onto hope. We tend to just fall into old patterns, we tend to just make more mistakes, and instead of finding the way out of things, and the light, we stay in the place we are, because its the person you know now, its the girl you have become familiar with, its the girl that all your friends know now.
so how do you get out?
Do you pick that bottle up and drop it so that all the drops of mistakes, regret, fear, questions, popularity, insecurity, failure, depression, lonelyness, ambitiousness, and curiosity all pour out of this bottle?
The one thing that go you to this dark place.
Just amounts of disaster filled in a bottle.
Do you walk this new life? Still with that weight on your shoulder, and that bottle in your hand.
Or do you find away out?
What is the way out?
Posted by Nicole at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 31, 2010
this is reality
Life is too short, so forget about the things in life that have brought you down, the heart aches, broken promises, dissapointments and regret, the truth is, things arnt always going to make sence, but everything in the end happens for a reason..
I think we are all dissillusioned on how much we have, and how much we take for granteed, or the fact that time can tell alot... the last words said to someone could write the rest of your story.
I think that too much of the time, we are so focused on trying to figure out who we are, and we tend to lose ourselves on what the world wants us to be.
When our hearts hurt, and the pain is there; the heart ache, we do anything to hide it, but that scar is always going to be there. Its not easy.
As hard as it might be to admit for some, we all need some help sometimes, someone who can bring you back to who you are. to reality,.
Posted by Nicole at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 17, 2010
It's time to let go of the past and fully let it all go'
It's time baby girl ,
to move on.
It's time to run, and not be afraid to fall.
because this is just life, and there is so much more.
Posted by Nicole at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 15, 2010
We are all made in God's image , and the devil hates the fact that everyone of us is made in the image of our heavinly father.
So he trys to get at us, by destroying who we are in the inside, to make us more like the devil when it comes to our attitudes, our thoughts and our actions,
We need to be strong people of God, and we need to believe in what God has in store for us , what ever that is, and not get lost in the doubts, mistakes, and regrets.
We are made in God's image, and we need to turn our thoughts, actions, and attitudes towards God as well.
Posted by Nicole at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
I'm believing that there is hope for you,
& I'm believing that one day everything is going to make sence. <3
Posted by Nicole at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 26, 2010
life can hit you, at unexpected times .
it can hit you in a good way , but there are those times when it hits you and it knocks you down.
falling head first in this world.
its hard seeing your friends hurting, and knowing how much someone meant to them, and then knowing that they are gone.
but what do we say, only so little words can be said in a time like this, or even none at all.
the world can seem like a dark place at these times.
and understanding why this could happen isnt an understanding because no body knows why.
sometimes you just have to have faith and believe that they are in a better place now..
everything happens for a reason, and maybe this was all part of gods plan?
to all of cody's friends and family , hang in there and stay strong .
dont give up.
everything in life happens for a reason, no matter how hard it is to understand that reason, someday it's all going to make sence <3
Posted by Nicole at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 17, 2010
"They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who is seated on the throne said, "I am making everythig new!" Revelations 21:3-5
Posted by Nicole at 3:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
God can Change your life
If i could ask for just one thing,..
it would be that you would change.
I know there is no way for me to change you.
you have to be whilling to leave it all behind and try to make things right with the ones you have left behind.
But i do believe that God can change your heart if you let him in.
God can change your life, he can change the way you think about things, and he can change the direction that you are walking in.
God can move in you like no other feeling.
God can change your life.
If i could ask for just one thing..
i will ask for God to move and work in your life, i will ask for God to change your life, and to change you.
You are Forgiven.
"And if they have a change of heart in the land where they are held captive, and repent and plead with you in the land of their conquerors and say, "We have sinned, we have done wrong, we have acted wickedly" 1 Kings 8:47
Posted by Nicole at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Life at different steps.
Life i take it as different steps.
A stair case for example. Everyone is at their own point in their life, and they are reaching their own step in life... Some are on the first step of figureing out who they are, and others are somwhere in between.
Some are falling, but always having someone to help them back up.
Each day is another step you take.
Theres always going to be someone on the same step as you in life..
Life isnt about racing to the top.. its about learning things and understanding why you are on this earth. Its about knowing your hopes and dreams, and what God's plan is for your life, because he has one for you.. The reason why you are here, is because he made you, he created you, he died for you.. and your sins are forgiven so that you can follow his path.
Dont't get lost in your dreams and the worlds expectations, rather than the beauty of God's plan for you.
Lose yourself in what God has planned for your life.
Posted by Nicole at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Proverbs 23:18 < 3
"There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cutt off."
Posted by Nicole at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 30, 2010
I know you are here
i can hear your whispers through the ocean waves
I can feel you pushing me forward,
and encourageing me to go onward.
I can feel your touch through the breeze, through the wind. I know you are here, your with me every day.. though i cant see you. your presence is more than enough to keep me believing.
your voice is more than enough to let me listen..
your push is more than enough to let me move on.
your heart is big enough to know im loved.
your hands are big enough to hold me..
your eyes are opened to direct my path..
my eyes will be opened to what you have for me..
my ears are open to listen to the wisdom you give me..
my heart is all yours.
and my hands will reach out to yours... because thats where i want to be.
you mean everything to me
Posted by Nicole at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
the wind blows, the sky is lit, the stars are shining, and the waves are making everything else dissapear.
i can feel everything, the warm breeze of the wind, and the waves crashing over my feet.
like waves crashing, life isnt always going to be a smooth road.
theres going to be those times when the current takes you under, when life takes you down unexpectedly, but theres always going to be hope.
always hope.
life is a journey, we all are trying to figure out,
no body ever promised things would be easy because if they did, they would be lying.
i sit out, and all i hear are the waves crashing, i see the moonlight, and the stars up above.
and i know that this is life.
& there is something more than where i am, ive just go to find that .
life is out to suprise us, but maybe we need to eccept it, theres a meaning behind it all .
everything happens for a reason.
Posted by Nicole at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Stop running away, & start running towards him,
There is an offer away from the things that will kill you. Theres a better way.
Sometimes we go through life and we abuse these offers.
Stop chasing the htings that are killing you, and start chasing after him, surrender your all for the glory of God, the one who gave you this life. And the one who gives you great offers.
Don't take the offer of the world/planet and take Gods offer. Truth is the truth.
What are you chasing that will kill your walk with God?
& what are you so afraid of, there is a better offer out there for you!
You cant fight some of the things in life that your fighting for, without him.
With him all things are possible <3
Posted by Nicole at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 24, 2010
temporary home.
Sometimes i wish i could just get out of here,
like theres a better place somewhere else, because i know there is a better place.
And i know that this is just my temporary home.
But ive realized something..
We walk through life, with attendancy to just think about our own, and our life story because its te story we have been living, its the story we know. We dont think about others and how theres could be worst because to us our life story is the problem. If you actually think to yourself theres alot more people around you whose life story is tearing them apart more than you could ever imagine.
So i think that if we all took a moment and thought about the people around us, even if they may e strangers then our life story wouldnt be the problem. We would start to realize alot of things about life just by knowing someone els's.
This is my temporary home, and God has a plan for my life.
I am his daughter and i will hold onto him with everything i am, no matter how many times i have failed him, i know i am forgiven.
I will follow him, he is my direction.
I will run afer him.
Posted by Nicole at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Dear Friend,
Your always here for me, someone i can talk to easily.
About anything, and i know that i can trust you, and i know that i can take your advice on anything.
I can tell you anything, and i mean anything and i trust that you wont let it get out to anyone.
I know we have both been through hard times in our lives, where its hard to understand alot of things,
sometimes its even hard to understand who we are ourselves.
or for me at least.
But i know that i can count on you to always be here for me.
By talking to each other about things that we are going through ourselves. Really lets me realize alot of things about life, just by knowing really your life story and the things you have been through, and the things you are going through right now.
It lets me know that even in the midst of hard times...
no matter what is going on in our lives we have each other to always bring hope into a dark place that we might be in. Theres always going to be those times... where the light feels so far away...
But having a Best friend like you, lets the light seem more possible.
rather than impossible.
You have helped me through a lot of things in life,
thank you.
Posted by Nicole at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 4:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
to see my sin upon that cross.
Here i am to worship,
here i am to bow down,
here i am to say that your my god,
your altogether lovely,
all together worthy,
all together wonderful to me"
Posted by Nicole at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
"The Letter"
Posted by Nicole at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sometimes people just dont understand.
they come up with their own ideas, their own thoughts and opinions about your life.
they cant fully understand how you feel about things because they arnt you, and they dont go through the same things you have gone through.
Posted by Nicole at 4:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I woke up from a dream,
He was there, standing right next to me, everything felt so real.
Posted by Nicole at 4:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 3:41 PM 0 comments
let it all go
Posted by Nicole at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
& at those moments, you just dont know how to get over them.
Posted by Nicole at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Peter Claus McGuigan: August 16th 1934 - August 10th 2009
You Will Always Be... In Our Hearts
R.I.P Papa Pete
We Will Remember!
Even Though You Arn't here with us now, you will always be in our hearts, and i know one day we will see you again.
I Love You Papa Pete!
Posted by Nicole at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
You've got your whole life ahead of you,
dont throw it all away by living in the past.
Posted by Nicole at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Every single day, I thank God for his unseen hands,
sometimes erging me onward and pushing me to move forward,
sometimes holding me back; from the things that will interfere with his plan for my life.
Sometimes with his aproval, sometimes with his correcting,
and sometimes for his comforting.
My life is in his hands.
And i trust him with all my heart,
Romans 11:29 says;
"For god's gift and his call are irrevocable."
Genesis 28:15 says;
"I'am with you and will watch over you where ever you go, and i will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until i have done what i have promised you."
My life is blessed, and iam thankful because God holds me in his hands,
he never fails me,
and he never leaves,
he is the one who i trust will always be walking with me in this life.
He taught me how to forgive,
and taught me how to accept.
He taught me how to love,
and taught me how to listen.
He taught me all the things, that have made me who I am today.
& i will never go back to before.
... .. ..
My life is in his hands,
and i trust him with all my heart
Posted by Nicole at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
Love Quotes of The Day
"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell."
-Joan Crawford
March 31, 2010
"Love wing'd my hopes and taught me how to fly."
Posted by Nicole at 2:47 PM 0 comments
I wonder...
I wonder where you are everyday
I wonder why you dont walk this road with me
I wonder why all our memories are slowly fading, hard for me to remember
I wonder...
I know that things happen for a reason
I know that God has a plan for my life and there is a reason behind everything he does in my life
I know that anything is possible with God
So when i wonder sometimes...
I believe that God has the answers
I believe that there is hope
I believe that falling in life is away of being a stronger person
...I Believe that people leave for reasons, and it makes you a stronger person,
People change so that you can eventually learn how to let go,
Things fall apart, so that better things can fall together,
Things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they are right
I have faith...
I have faith that the things and people who are ment to be in my life will always be here
I have faith that God will lead my in the direction iam called to go
I have faith that someday i will be given answers
I have Hope'
Posted by Nicole at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Healer; Hillsong
You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in you
I trust in you
I believe you're my healer
I believe you are all i need
I believe you're my portion
I believe you're more than enough for me
Jesus you're all i need
Nothing is impossible for you
Nothing is impossible for you
Nothing is impossible for you
You hold my world in your hands
Posted by Nicole at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I love him'
Sometimes, moments just hit you.
Ones that you can be so so thankful for, and at these moments you realize how blessed you are to have the things, and people in your life.
I never thought that i would love anyone so much.
I've also never felt this way before about anyone.
And words cant explain the feeling i get, not just one that ive had once, but an on going feeling everytime i see him, or am with him.
He gives me hope, in things ive lost hope in.
He believes in me and i believe in him.
He is someone that God has blessed me with, and i am so truly thankful.
I Love Him <3
Posted by Nicole at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
God, please.
God, please as i sit here, i ask for you to open my eyes to things i have not seen before.
Open my eyes to things i would have never imagined experienceing.
Open my eyes to everything that you want for me.
Open my eyes to the things you want changed.
God, please, i want to live for you in everything i do, i want to walk this path with you. I want to be the person that you have planned for me.
So as i wait, ill keep my hope.
Give me some answers, please. Help me know myself better.
Posted by Nicole at 3:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Posted by Nicole at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 3:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
"Sailing through life"
Posted by Nicole at 2:17 PM 0 comments
"Getting through a bad day"
Sometimes even when your having a bad day,
the best way to get through it, is to be thankful for all the things you have, and all the people in your life.
We all have bad days, and its like there's no way out of them, like your trapped within a place that you dont understand how you got to. Just always remember theses quotes...
<3 "The will of god will never take you anywhere where the grace of God will not protect you"
<3 "There is no such thing in having a bad day that is so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. Also, Your best days are never so good that you're beyond the need of God's grace."
<3 "The winds of grace are always blowing; all we need to do is raise our sails"
Posted by Nicole at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Passing by
Sometimes moments pass us by, that leave us stunned, in shock and alone.
But those moments are sometimes the only ones we have.
And theres nothing we can do about it, but to just try to understand them.
Like people that pass us by in our lives, they leave us stunned, in shock and alone.
Sometiems those are the moments, the people who help us move on, show us that moving on is possible and its not something that people think is so hard if you just accept it.
Moments and people that pass us by, are like vehicles on a highway you see them as they are on there way to where ever there headed, and your left there searching for something on your own, your left there riding these roads, streets and highways alone trying to find a place where things are real.
We cant always understand why things happen, but theres a little thing called faith, and believing that maybe all things work out to be how they are meant to be, and if they werent then God would be here to lead us in the right path.
Posted by Nicole at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
"Little Girl"
Posted by Nicole at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Posted by Nicole at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Now your gone, and i can only hope and pray that i wont ever make that mistake again. Your life was taken away, and you spent so many years fighting for another chance, another day, another month or year, and i am sorry i was never there.
Im sorry i never did let you in, and that i never did get to know you.
Though i never knew you, i new you always had a smile on your face, one that made problems go away because you were someone fighting for so long you gave people hope, because you kept that smile on your face, it gave me hope.
You made me open my eyes to see there are people in this world who have it worse then me, and yet i worry, worry about the littlest things. When you showed everyone that you were thankful no matter what every single day with that smile of yours and your bright eyes, the fact that you never gave up, even though you had to fight every single day, weither they were small or big struggles at a time you never gave up.
In my eyes you are a hero, you made me look at things differently, and let me realize that taking things for granteed is not how things should be. Though your gone now, i know you are in a better place.
Thank you for making things in my life meen so much more to me, thank you for teaching me the right way to look at life.
Forgive me, for never knowing who you were.
Posted by Nicole at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
'i believe in you'
We have all made mistakes in this life of ours, and we have all probably wanted to give up at some points, but life is about taking your mistakes and making things right, forgiving.
God died on the cross for us, so that we may be forgiven so that we may be given other chances, he put his life on the line so that we may have life.
WE are forgiven every time we make a mistake, or fall into something un godly, he forgives us within seconds of it happening.
We shouldnt take this for granteed though, accept it and move on, and try to be a better person, learn from your mistakes so they dont happen again.
But always remember, you are forgiven.
By his grace and love we are set free.
Posted by Nicole at 3:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Work i have done for my sketchbook'
Posted by Nicole at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
the world around us..
I used to know the girl who looked into the mirror, but than again i used to know you too.
I guess things slip away and memory fades unexpected if you realize it or not, and the only thing thats keeping you going is the thought of all the people in this world who dont even get the chance to be themselves, or learn what life is about.
Instead they are slowly dieing, while we all complain and regret our lives. Theres people in this world who dont even get the chance to love, feel, or know their family, when we sometimes push them away and take things for granted way to easily.
We are all sitting around waiting for things to happen. There are people in this world who dont have any more time to just wait. We all say regretful words to people we love, but what if your that one person whos loved one dies seconds, minutes or hours after you say those heartless and painful words.
We take things for granted way to much. And you have to realize you cant take things back.
There are people in this world who dont have second chances, to be someone better than who they have been, who are dieing right before our eyes, and we just watch or ignore the things we try not to see. The things most of us are afraid of. Tut thats not the answer.
We need to look at life differently starting with thinking about all the people in the world who are falling apart, fighting everyday, or slowly dieing, and we are out here worried about things that dont even matter.
Posted by Nicole at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 12, 2010
'waiting for you.
I know there's got to be more to me than you..
I guess im just trying to find myself, but with you gone.. and im here thinkin it through,
it feels close to impossible. Close to nothing.
All the days that go by and past us, we cant ever relive.
All the days your not here...
You cant ever take back. You cant relive it.
But you could start now.
Posted by Nicole at 2:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
No matter how dark it gets, there is a light.

The feeling of not being wanted, the feeling of being afraid to walk out that door, the feeling of curiosity.
Your just trying to find security, but when you walk out that door into this world, a world that shapes who you are every single day if you know it or not. It feels like your alone. No matter how much you have it all doesnt matter because its who you are that determines what you do have.
This world can be so tough sometimes, it can take you off your feet and lead you down a path that isnt good enough for you. You see theres better things out there for you, then where you are right now.
Dont give up on life.
There will come times of regret, suffering, and trying to put the puzzle peices together.
but to give up on that, just shows how much your afraid to actually move on.
Dont let the broken heart, the lies, the friends who stab you in the back, the people who tell you things you dont want to hear, the bad news, the nightmeres, the failures, the person you have been, shape who you are. dont let them keep you from moving on, because its possible.
The world around you will try to do anything just to keep you from moving forward but instead taking your feet out from under you, and watching you fall. watching you fail and watching your heart break everytime you think theres no way out.
There is a way out.,
There is a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Its your choice to walk out of it.
There is a hope for the hopeless.
there is healing for the hurt.
There are answers for your questions.
Just beacause you fall once, or you fall twice, or even more times than you can count, does not mean its the end for you.
There is so much more for you out in this world. Dont let this world shape who you are. shape yourself .
Because sometimes all the world does is tear you down.
so you put all these walls up, gaurding your heart from being broken or from letting anything close to you.
but the world cant tear you down if you show it who you are, if you stay strong and dont give up.
It can be a cold place sometimes, but dont let that destract you from being yourself or from being the person you want to be, you can change no matter how much youve been struggling in this world.
you can change.
There are answers, and there is a hope.
Dont just give up becase you have already fallen.
Get back up and show the world that nothing can tear you down.
keep your hope, no matter how dark it gets somtimes, there is a light.
Dont give up and let all your hopes and dreams all fall right in front of your face.
Dont let the world hold you... You stand up and hold your own world.
Posted by Nicole at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
i wish you could just see.
& i just miss you.
its hard going through everyday wondering where you are, and if you even care.. cuz you dont act like you care at all.
i wish i just new the answers, but you dont seem to want to give me any.
i wish you could look at me, and know the pain im feeling, but we dont even see each other.
i wish we could go back,
or start over.
anything but what has happened now.
im just a girl trying to figure these questions out, find some answers and understand why.
it feels as though nothing makes sence anymore.
i wish you could just open your eyes to notice this distance between us,
its done nothing but making us strangers.
i wish you could just see.
Posted by Nicole at 4:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
letting go'
sometimes letting go is the best thing.
holding onto something or someone for so long, your gunna have to realize sometime that its time to let go.
if they are now a part of your past, and just your past,.. well then you cant fully move on if your still holding onto that one thing, it just keeps you from moving forward.
letting go isnt the easiest thing to do, because we all fear of losing.
But sometimes, 'losing' is the only thing that will get us a win in life.
we all know that somethings and people in our life, well arnt the missing peice of the puzzle that you need.
Sometimes in life its best to just let them go, and try to look for that peice that fits just right, instead of one on the side of the page that has no spot.
the truth is, its not easy, letting go,
but its not always easy to hold on either.
Posted by Nicole at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
figuring me out'
I'm searching to find out who i am.
It gets tough sometimes, because things are takin away from me, and out of my life and it leaves me questioning a million things.
Like maybe im not supposed to be where i am at right now, and maybe its a sign from God, or a test.
I want to figure me out.
I want to live for God everyday, and i want him to show me who i am supposed to be, who he wants me to be.
Im just trying to figure things out.
trying to figure me out.
I need your help'
Posted by Nicole at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A twisted lie'
It's been a while sence i have seen your face.
It's been a while sence i have heard your voice.
It's been a while sence i have seen you laugh,
or smile at all.
i can't even remember the last time it was, when you said everything was going to be okay.
So this is how it always goes...
I see you once for a long time...
You always say things are going to be different.
Things are going to change.
Im going to prove that to you.
A week goes by...
no phone call, no sign of you careing.
A month goes by...
The same silence is all around me.
Add some more months to the last one, and look what we've got.
me writing about how things havnt changed one bit.
You said that you were going to prove it to me, and that this year was going to be different.
I guess it was just one twisted lie.
that made me believe for a bit...
until you did prove something to me...
maybe we are better off this way?
or maybe someday you will change?
I guess its not up to me, but its your decision to make...
you just leave me sitting here waiting for that one msg to know everything is okay...
but im done waiting.
Let me know when you decide to be in my life again. '
Because the last time i heard,
things were going to be different.
reality is... things havnt changed'
Whats it going to be, wait for a year to go by, like the last time?
Posted by Nicole at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I want to be'
I want to be, all that you want me to be.
I want to do the things, you have planned for me to do.
Today, i want to be more like you.
Every single day, i want to be more like you.
I want to learn from you.
I want to carry you with me every day of my life.
I dont want to hurt you.
I dont want to fall away from you.
I dont want to lose you.
I dont want to forget this.
I dont want to let this go.
I want you to be my whole life.
Posted by Nicole at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hold on its gunna be alright.

Posted by Nicole at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Your here for a reason'
I believe that everything happens for a reason..
No matter how tough life may be right now if it is... its all happening for a reason.
God has a plan for it all.
He has a plan for your life.
You've got to believe that with him anything is possible. And if your falling in life things will end up falling together because there is a reason behind it all.
Your here today for a reason.. and we may not know what that reason is yet. But someday you will understand.
God has a plan for everones life but you have to let him in.
Posted by Nicole at 3:34 AM 0 comments