Everybody says that your not alone'
Because someone else in the world out there is going through some of the exact same things as you.
Even though they may be going through the same things as you, it completely exludes the fact that there no where near you.
So arnt you alone?
Its not like a moment will go by and that stranger who is said out to be going through the same feelings as you, can just appear beside you. Its not like they are there to catch you when you fall. OR how they arnt there to make you feel like your not alone.
Because it feels like you are.
Yes there are people in this world who are going through the same things as you, and they may not be here to help you through it, but youd both have the same questions, and you need someone else to help you answer them.
If they are going through the same things as you, how are they supposed to know the answers?
they wont, because they are trying to figure things out too.
This doesnt mean your alone though..
Look onto him, our god in heaven who never EVER leaves our side.
We arnt alone.
"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfulls the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them"
Psalm 145: 18-19
He never leaves us no matter how many times we fall away from him, he always forgives us.
He always picks us up before we hit rock bottom when we do start to fall.
Its him who will never make you feel alone, if you hold on ,
it will be alright.
He will guide you.
He will show you the light in the dark,
he will mend the broken hearted,
heal the hurt,
give hope to the hopeless,
and save the lost.
Dont let go of him,
Hold on, its gunna be alright.
His love will never fade, we are never alone.

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