When you walk out the door into this silent world, but yet you know exactly what it thinks of you.
The feeling of not being wanted, the feeling of being afraid to walk out that door, the feeling of curiosity.
Your just trying to find security, but when you walk out that door into this world, a world that shapes who you are every single day if you know it or not. It feels like your alone. No matter how much you have it all doesnt matter because its who you are that determines what you do have.
This world can be so tough sometimes, it can take you off your feet and lead you down a path that isnt good enough for you. You see theres better things out there for you, then where you are right now.
Dont give up on life.
There will come times of regret, suffering, and trying to put the puzzle peices together.
but to give up on that, just shows how much your afraid to actually move on.
Dont let the broken heart, the lies, the friends who stab you in the back, the people who tell you things you dont want to hear, the bad news, the nightmeres, the failures, the person you have been, shape who you are. dont let them keep you from moving on, because its possible.
The world around you will try to do anything just to keep you from moving forward but instead taking your feet out from under you, and watching you fall. watching you fail and watching your heart break everytime you think theres no way out.
There is a way out.,
There is a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Its your choice to walk out of it.
There is a hope for the hopeless.
there is healing for the hurt.
There are answers for your questions.
Just beacause you fall once, or you fall twice, or even more times than you can count, does not mean its the end for you.
There is so much more for you out in this world. Dont let this world shape who you are. shape yourself .
Because sometimes all the world does is tear you down.
so you put all these walls up, gaurding your heart from being broken or from letting anything close to you.
but the world cant tear you down if you show it who you are, if you stay strong and dont give up.
It can be a cold place sometimes, but dont let that destract you from being yourself or from being the person you want to be, you can change no matter how much youve been struggling in this world.
you can change.
There are answers, and there is a hope.
Dont just give up becase you have already fallen.
Get back up and show the world that nothing can tear you down.
keep your hope, no matter how dark it gets somtimes, there is a light.
Dont give up and let all your hopes and dreams all fall right in front of your face.
Dont let the world hold you... You stand up and hold your own world.
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