what happens after I die?
Heaven or Hell?
how do I get to heaven?
by doing good?
So many people believe that if they do good things in their lives, and even if they have done bad things, the good things, weigh itself out to benefit them in the long run. This is a twisted way of thinking and believing that this is how I'am going to get into heaven and the thing is so many people have believed in this lie.
The movie "courageous" has a perfect example of why doing good things is how you get into heaven... here it is:
it goes something like this..
Say a man committed a crime and killed your sister. The man went to court and the judge states"sir you have committed a crime and you have killed a human, somebody's sister, wife and daughter, you are going to jail." The man turns to the judge and says, no don't make me go. and the judge says, "why who are you to not deserve your consequences."
At this moment your sitting there thinking to yourself, this man killed my sister he deserves his punishment.
but the man turns to the judge and says.... "I know I made a mistake, but judge I have done more good in my life than I have done bad."
If you were this girls sibling, would you let this man go free because he has done more good than bad?
What makes you think that Jesus, will let you in past the heavenly gates if you have done more good in your life than bad?
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