Monday, April 11, 2011

I don't think we realize how blessed we are enough.

I think to many times we are saying sorry, rather than thank you's
too many times we twist the lies rather than telling the truth
We try to picture ourselves as a better version, rather than actually doing something to become something better
I don't think we thank God enough for giving us this life, and for giving us so many chances
I think we feed off of drama and fighting, but should instead feed off of love
I think we underestimate ourselves too much, rather than believing in ourselves and giving ourselves a chance,
we balance ourselves on a thin rope, and measure ourselves by only the mistakes we have made,
instead of the accomplishments we have obtained.
We help people, so our reputation doesn't get lost, instead of helping people from your heart,
We try so hard to fit in, because we are afraid to be different and stand out
We don't always appreciate things for what they are, instead we are always trying to change them,

Too many times we miss things in life that have the most meaning, because we are too caught up in the world

So many times we judge strangers who are really exactly like us

We forget who we are
and we lose ourselves in the strangers that we become.