Read this tonight from thought I would post it on here. TRUTH.
Myth 1 – Marriage magically changes people for the better.
TRUTH – The person at the altar will be the person at the breakfast table.
The only magic in marriage is the magic we put into it every day. The little kisses, happy surprises and night time cuddles that make us smile. Expect your honey to be exactly the same as before the wedding and you may save yourself mountains of disappointment.
Myth 2 – Once we are married, it will all work out.
TRUTH – Marriage is something you create every day.
Marriage will not erase your debt, make your cranky family member nicer, or get you a raise. Things work
out because we work at them. Period.
Myth 3 – He loves me, so he should know what I want without me saying a word or communicating in any way.
TRUTH: No matter how much he loves you, he is not a mind reader. Neither are you. Use your words.
Michelle & Tony’s “To Love is to Listen” post is just about everything I would want to say on this topic. Finish reading this first, then read that one. Print out the pin and put it on your refrigerator. Yes, this one.
Myth 4 – Marriage will make me feel complete.
TRUTH: At best, marriage will make you more of who you are.
Marriage is a like an art studio, it’s a space to create your life. It is a relationship, not a mechanic. Marriage is not going to fix you because you are not broken.
The only person who can complete you is you. The gift in taking responsibility for your life and your choices is that you can make a different a choice at any moment and move towards love.
Myth 5 – She didn’t do x. He did y. It means he doesn’t love me. It means she doesn’t care.
TRUTH: We create meaning and we can re-create it.
If you don’t know what something means, ask. Don’t invent. Let me repeat that. If you don’t know what something means, ask. Don’t imagine terrible stories in your head, ask. Don’t make up stories about the past and the future, ask. Don’t cause yourself and your partner profound pain, ask. Got that? Good.
Myth 6 – If my wedding is perfect, my marriage will be perfect.
TRUTH: The purpose of the wedding is the marriage.
Spending 30 thousand dollars on flowers is not going to make your relationship any better; it is just going to buy you really expensive flowers. I so deeply love beautiful, soulful, joy-filled weddings, but it makes me sad when people think it must look perfect on the outside to be truly wonderful on the inside. That’s the biggest lie ever. It’s how you treat each other every day that matters. Every single day. Not one special day. Everyday.
Myth 7 – We know how to communicate, we don’t need to practice.
TRUTH – Good communication is learned by being intentional over time.
Learning to communicate clearly with empathy and practicing active listening is good for every single relationship in your life, especially your marriage. I should change this truth to say, “You think you know how to communicate, then you get married.”
Learn your spouse’s love language. Practice listening with love every day. Practice speaking with love every day. You don’t have to do it perfectly; all you have to do is practice. That’s enough. I promise.