Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lost Chances

Lost Chance-
Written by Nicole Houston
I can hear the tears, as the dense waves crash over me
Lies fed into inocent astray lives, deminish me
I can feel the crys as they deprive my self-being
The pain as the rays burn them undesirably
From where I stand the winds over power me
I can see the hearts of many broken peices
The dirt filled rivers flowing within them
I can feel the atrocious division of faith
Evolving into something accustomed
I can touch the cutting words of destruction
Glance back to where they have brought me
I can taste the abominable fear of lives failing
But keep hope and relent that of nothing
I can see a life of drowning waters
Waves of multiple stories exotically exposing
Yet I rest here ambiguously hesitant
I say nothing but, I'm afraid
I prove nothing but of their own truth
I sink in the shallow waters, that enclose me
Of all the water encompassing me
Still, I thirst for an altered ending
For a beginning to even at all clench me
I can hear the waves convey;
You've lost this times chance
I can feel the tast of acrid guilt on my tounge
As the ocean waters fill my mouth
It's too late


This life is so short,
And in the end of it all, when the day comes, our life is just a story with an end.
We leave behind the people we love, the people who loved us. Our friends, our family.
Our past. We leave it all behind, we don't take anything with us.

This life is so short,
Our time here on earth is so limitted and we will never know or understand when someones time has ran out.
We will never fully understand why someone's story, someones book has closed.

It's crazy when you think about all of the things you work hard for, and all the things you get,
all the memories you make. All the money you have, the clothes you wear, the friends you make,
all of it. Everything that has become you.
Will be gone, your going to one day leave all of those things.

It's crazy.
You know?

How quickly things can change. When someone is taken out of this world, it affects everyone.
It's crazy how we dont realize certain things until something unbearable has happend, until someones story has ended.

It's crazy how thats when people really change.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do you ever wish you could go back,
maybe then, all of this could be easier.