Monday, August 24, 2009


You know, you can look at a photo of someone and you always remember who they were. You remember everything about them as if they are still here, but yet you know that they are gone.
What happens when you start to realize that. You know, that they are gone all over again, or what happens when you look at that picture and you know them soo well, but then you jump back into reality and your not only looking at someone you know, but now its as if you dont know them at all. What then?
Is it like none of the memories ever mattered? Is it like whats the point of trying to remember them when they have changed so much and you cant ever go back to how it used to be. You know? Or is it like having that one fear, of loosing the memory of who they were because your trying so hard to remember every single memory spent with them.
Its like when you do look at a photo of someone that you have now created a huge amount of distance between to the point where you dont know them at all you start really remember who they really used to be, and then you start to wonder how can someone change so dramatically where its like they are no longer in your life.
Why do these things happen?
Where you look at one photo and you really start to hurt, because you want nothing more than to always remember that person you know. Like if theres any fear in the whole world, your so scared of losing who that person was and all the memories, because you start to think that the memories are really all you have left of that person.
It sucks.
To have someone still in this life and yet you grow so far from them, and you dont know them anymore.
The person in that one photo probably just lives right down the road from you, someone you used to be so close to, someone you knew so well, there still around you just dont know them anymore but how come?
why stop knowing someone?
I dont get it at all.
Is it the effort in trying too, or what is it? Because to me its just pathetic. I look at alot of photo's and i remember who they were so well, but then i think and i have no idea who that person is now, and it really sucks.

Its like a part of you is missing.
One photo can have so much memory in it, but why not keep making the memories? I meen why stop? I think that we have all grown apart for someone, but if you really miss them, you have to make an effort to trying to get to know that person again, or all you are going to really have are memories of them and sooner or later those memories will probably fade.
Dont miss out on knowing someone you used to know so well, because then what was the point of knowing them rihgt? i meene youll have the memories and the photos, but why does that ever have to end?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Things happen for reasons'

Its crazy how within an hour everything can change. Where 60 minutes ago everything was so great and you sit there thanking God for what he has done in your life, and then an hour goes by, and suddenly what was is now gone. Everything is different in a matter of 60 minutes, and it changes your life forever.
Things are no longer the same, because that one person is gone.
And you start to question alot of things, because its like there is no answers, like your lost and confused and you just dont understand how something can change like that.
Where everything can be going so so right, too feeling broken, and hurt, and you just cant understand it at all.
Its hard to let someone go you know, but when your given just that and you cant do anything about it, i guess you just have to learn too. But not to the point where you will forget them cuz thats all you have left, are the memories because there gone. So you hold onto those, there the only thing left. Trategies happen all the time, but when your heart breaks you have to fight like crazy. And the pain you feel.. its to remind you that things will be okay, and theres something out there that will make everything alright. And that the pain and hurt will be replaced with happiness and that its worth fighting for.
Its just hard you know, to be given no choice at all, but to let that person go. Its hard.
All the questions that you have and some that cant be answered now.
Its hard,
how do you deal with losing someone you love?
I wish i could answer that question.
But i dont think i can. I mean if you just have faith , and hope that things will be okay, then that could make things better.
But what happens if its like a part of you is missing, now that their gone.
Because they meant so much to you. More than they will ever know.
What then?
How do you go on and believe things will be okay when you feel so far from that feeling, the feeling of everything is okay. you know.
I guess somethings cant be answered.
But maybe if you believe that things happen for reasons, you can get that belief that things will be okay, because it all happend for a reason.

Through Someone else's eyes'

Im sure we've all pictured out life through someone else's eyes. Just trying to find that one place where we think we belong, other than in our own eyes you know. Because all you see through your own eyes are people who are hurting or the ones who have hurt you. All you see in pain and suffering from wasting your time regreting the past itself. And you just want to escape from it all. You see people putting on masks to disguise them selves everyday. People who lie to just make it through the day. You see people who are lonely, and just want to know that someone cares. And everyday you face the same questions over and over again.
Then we start to picture our whole entire life through someone else's eyes, because maybe just maybe things will be different and we can find the answers we are looking for. So you open your eyes, pretending their our own eyes when really there someone else's, but you start to notice that everything is the same, you see the same hurt, the same pain, the same lies, and the same questions, and the same suffering. You realize that your not the only one who maybe hurting, or maybe seeing all of the hurt and pain, and suffering around you. So why not do something about it? insteead of trying to put your life in someone else's shoes where you see the same hurt and pain, why not do something to help it?
Some people you know the ones you try to picture your life through their eyes, they just wear a mask, and disguise themselves. And ignore what is really happening in this world. Not even trying to help it. So you go about believing that you want their life because maybe there is no hurt or pain? when really thats a visaud. Because there is hurt and pain and suffering every where. And everyone expeiriences it.
The truth is we all hurt even though some of us hide it better then others. We all fear, we all fall, and we all have a million questions with answers that seem so far away..
Life is meant to find the answers as we grow as a person. No body has al the answers right off the bat, i mean who are we kidding whats the point if we did have all the answers? You just have to fight like hell to find them. So stop wasteing your life away picturing yourself through someone else's eyes.
Just open yours!!
Realize that no matter who you are things are going to be okay because there is a little thing called faith, and hope and if your whilling too you can change. But change for yourself, not to be someone else. Just open your eyes and accept you for you. Dont search for something out of reach. Follow your own dreams not someone else's. And maybe the hurt, the pain, the suffering, the ones who are lonely, who are broken, and lost can be found and can be helped, if you take the time to make things change. instead of trying to be someone your not, and wasteing your time looking at the world and the people who are broken and lost and hurt and are lonely and have nothing. Maybe we can help that.
Just open your own eyes.