Monday, April 20, 2009

letting him in, through all your descuises;

Our society and the world we live in today is really just like a masked ball, where everbody hides their real chraracter and their true identity. Instead they reveal their character by hiding, or even to the point where their running.
We've all hid behind a mask before, where we discuise our selves from who we really are so the world cant get close enough to see. Weve all done it, sometimes because we are scared of what people think of us, and i mean the real us. Its pathetic, i mean other people are just as worried as us, so why do we worry so much? Its really easy to get lost and carried away from who you are.
Gone to a place where you dont belong, just because you wear a mask. You lose your self in many things like the gossip, the lies in this life, the fights and mostly the or i should say alot of our fake identities that usually get us through the day with out us even realizing it. Our self descise that keeps people from knowing us. Life can be tough and a series of trial and error but its no reason or excuse to give up or to hide who you are from everybody else.
We only live once and life is to short to be trying to be someone or something your not and losing yourself in everything that may be happening around you.
Like i said life is a series of trial and error and its really hard to get through it yourself, this is when God comes in, hes always here and will always be right by our sides.
Trust in the lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding in this life. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths. Hes always right beside you, you just need to learn to let him in!