Sunday, March 29, 2009

A piece of your very own past''

"A picture is worth a million words" , it basically says those words that are so hard to explain.
Thats what alot of us may have heard, but we may have never actually thought about, not only is a picture worth a million words, but what about a picture expressing a million emotions too, because there always there. One picture can take you back to that past, maybe a dark past you have tried to forget, or mabye a piece of your past youll always have, and you never want to let it go.
A picture that can explain alot, if you just look at it. What about where you have been? How you got to where you are now? Who you shared the past& memories with? What falls did you take and steps did you take to get to where you are? Who was in your life then, but have dissapeared now? To the simple questions of, what colour was your hair? How tall were you then? What did you dress like? Theres so much more to one picture, as you look at it, the world suddenly dissapears, because you start to look in the past. One picture can explain so much that has happend in your life, and how you live your life now. Its just one look into the past.
Some pictures you look at and it hurts you, because alot of the times some people you maybe looking at, arnt in your life now. And its hard, its really hard. The pictures will always be there. Even though the people in your pictures may not be walking the road with you today. Youll always have that breif memory of them. Youll always have that breif memory of yourself just looking at one photoraph too. Because the truth is, we all change. and you cant deny it. If you look at an old picture of yourself, take a deeper look, youll realize that you may be a total different person now, because we all chane in time. We may look back and regret somethings, but things are how they are now, and you cant look back and change it.
Every photo not only is worth a million words but theres always going to be those emotions too. When you look back and you greve, or you look back and you may be proud. Looking back and laughing at some memories, or even looking back and questioning a good amount of questions. Emotions will always be there, with out them the picture wouldnt make any sence.

So, when you look at a photograph on your wall, its like your looking into the past, and the words and emotions are there to help explain the photo. To help show you who you were, and who you are now in life. A photo is way more than just a memory, but its a peice of your very own past.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Life as I see it'' Then' Now&Soon to Come'

I sit down, and start to realize different things, from the past, to the present, and then right to the future. Its weird looking back and remember what your life may have been and comparing it to how it is now, and then wondering what it will be like years down the road. Remembering the simple things from the past. Sometimes when we look back, alot of us greve over the past, and even sometimes regret it, but why spend alot of your time looking back and greveing over the past and regreting it, when really we dont get it back. But sometimes we look back and we are proud of the person we used to be, and we dont spend our time regreting it, because we realize how pathetic it is. Why dont you just let it go?
I meen, weve all made mistakes in the past that we are not proud of, but if we dont let it go, then we wont get anywhere in life, because our life would be made up of, regretin, greveing and holding onto what we no longer have or can get back.

The present is now, at this moment, and every single second we spend of our lives we are given choices that we need to make, every single day! A variety of choices, weither there easy ones, or some choices that we make could change the rest of our lives, everytime we make a choice, we are taking a step forward. Its never always going to be easy and simple, there comes a time in life when we realize the feeling of hurt. How it feels to be hurt, and alot of the times is because of the choices we come to make, and the steps we take every day. Its not always going to be simple and easy, some of the times, its going to be difficult but its only life and we start to realize that tough times come and go when ever.

Future, future, future.
we all think about it, we all question it, and we all worry about it. But what i dont get, is why do we worry so much about it, i meen we should think about it for it is going to come, we all have questions about it, beacause well , we just dont know. But why worry about it?
Our past we have already lived, and we cant get that back. The present, we are living right now. And the future, well it has yet to come.

Our life is to short, and goes by to fast for us to be, greveing over our past, not living in the moment, and worrying about the future. Our past doesnt come back , and sooner or later our future will come, but it has yet to come. Live in the moment.

So as i sit down, thinking about the past to the future, i have my regrets and the things i wish i hadnt done, but i also accept my past for what it is and move on, life is too short to be worrying about it, and i have realized that. As the days, the minutes, the hours, the weeks, the months and the years go by, i actually start to understand that when we fall, we can always get up, i understand that the mistakes we make, really make us stronger, and i understand that we shouldnt hold back from life, life goes by way to fast, to be stuck in the past, trust me. Let it go, and move on. Life goes by to fast to be worrying so much too.
So just have a little bit of hope and faith to get you by, and believe that life is worth living for'